This is where it all begins. Polysonics began as an Acoustic, Noise Abatement and Vibration control company in 1958 and that is what we do to this day. From the first firm to perform noise contour analysis for the FAA to residential noise control for some of the largest home builders in the country to making the listening and performance space just right for some of the most notable performance theaters/halls in the world, Acoustics is what we do.
We understand the subtleties of Acoustics. We eliminate the sounds you don’t want, so that you can hear the sounds you do; bringing quiet to an increasingly noisy world.

(verb) to pay attention to sound
Interior Acoustics
- Performance Theater Acoustics
- Room Acoustics
- LEED Acoustics Design
- Worship Space Acoustics
- Acoustic Computer Modeling
Vibration Modeling & Analysis
- Building Vibration Modeling & Analysis
- Mechanical Equipment Isolation
- Footfall Modeling & Analysis
- Specialized Vibration Modeling & Analysis for Hospitals and
- Medical Research Facilities
- Industrial Machinery Diagnostics & Design
MDU / High Rise Building Noise
- Building Shell Analysis
- Noise Level Reduction Analysis
- HUD/IBC Noise Guidelines & .Requirements
- Airport Noise Measurement & Modeling (INM)
- Building Roof Design
Transportation Noise
- Traffic Noise Measurement & Prediction Modeling (TNM)
- Railway Noise Measurement & Modeling (HUD)
- Noise Barrier Design & Optimization
- Building Shell Design/Noise
- Level Reduction Analysis
- Airport Noise Measurement & Modeling (INM)
- Building Roof Design
Testing & Measurement
- STC/NIC/IIC/NC/RT60 Field measurements
- Indoor/outdoor noise measurements
- Ground vibration measurements for research facilities, labs, hospitals, and education
- Industrial machinery measurement
- Traffic/railway/airport noise measurement
Mechanical / HVAC Noise
- Air handling units noise control
- Corridor air supply units noise control
- Cooling tower noise control
- Emergency generator noise control
- Booster pumps noise control
- Elevators noise control