Armature Works
Washington, DC
Client: Trammel Crow Company
Completion Date: 2022
Armature Works is a 2.43 – acre redevelopment site that will be turned into a mixed-use development. The current plans for this redevelopment is to have 640 apartment units, 60,000 square foot of ground floor retail, and a 200-room hotel. These components will be put together by many urban open spaces and mini parks totaling yp to be approximately 46,000 square feet.
The Polysonics reviewed the Traffic and Railway Noise Impact Analysis draft report and provided a Building Shell Analysis that will gave specific STC ratings of the building elements (windows, doors, and exterior walls). Polysonics will also reviewed the building interior acoustics through the design phases of Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, and Construction Administration.
• Acoustic Interior Design
• Building Shell Analysis
• HVAC/Mechanical Noise & Isolation
• Elevator Systems
• Plumbing Noise