Theater Systems
Polysonics designs complex and sophisticated theatrical equipment systems, from the simplest of rigging and curtain systems to elaborate systems that transform and carry audiences to new heights.
With our vast experiences in performance and multiuse facilities design combined with our team approach, Polysonics understands the requirements for todays performance spaces. Sophistication and flexibility yet ease of use helps drive our designs to meet the needs of our clients.

(verb) to directly perceive events; to feel or be affected
Rigging Systems
- Stage Machinery and Rigging Systems
- ADA Rigging Systems
- ADA Rigging Control Systems
- Theater Grid and Galleries
- Pit Lifts
- Catwalk and Pipe Grid Design
- Choral and Orchestral/Band Shells
Curtain Systems
- Main Act Curtain
- Curtain and Drapery Systems
- Fire Curtains
- Sight Line Analysis