Production Lighting
We understand how quickly the lighting field is changing. These changes mean that you have even more options then ever before for creating the right platform for your venue. Polysonics has the experience to design the best systems to meet the needs of your venue and to help navigate all of these changes.

(verb) to lighten, throw light on, brighten, shine on, irradiate
Distribution Systems
- Conventional Dimming Layout
- Relay Power Distribution Layout
- Mounting Positions and Details
- Dimming Circuit Layout
- Dimming Room Layout
- Dimming Room BTU Load Calculations
Control Systems
- DMX Connection Layout
- Data Connection Layout
- Booth Layout and Details
- Lighting Control System Desgin
Lighting Equipment
- Spot Locations
- Catwalk/Pipe Grid Layout/Locations
- Catwalk/Pipe Grid Details
- Work Lights and Running Lights System Layout
- Fixture and Equipment Packages
- Initial Lighting Plots