Battlefield Baptist Church
Warrenton, VA
Client: Helbing Lipp Architects
Completion Date: 2021
Battlefield Baptist Church was founded in 1980, the church started meeting in a local Seventh Day Adventist Church building, then in October of 1982 the congregation purchased the Huntington Motel property. In May of the next year the church broke ground on the auditorium that they still currently meet in. The auditorium is under going its first major renovation since it’s opening. The renovation includes major upgrades to the lighting and sound systems, as well as renovations to the lobby and addition of coffee cafe area.
Polysonics had the pleasure of providing Acoustical, Audiovisual and Production Lighting design services for Battlefield Baptist Church. Our team provided mechanical noise isolation & interior acoustics, audio system updates, video projection, livestream video and recording, lighting system and moving lights, and more. The project is currently in progress and estimated to be finished March of 2021.
• Interior Acoustics
• 3D Computer Modeling
• Performance Lighting
• Performance Audio Systems
• Audio Recording Systems
• Video Production
• Video Projection