Newington DVS Maintenance Facility
Lorton, Virginia
Client: Gauthier, Alvarado & Associates
Completion Date: 2010
The previous Newington DVS Maintenance Facility in Lorton, Virginia was replaced by a new and larger facility on the same site. The new facility is approximately 91,100 square feet and consolidated major operations that were spread in four separate buildings, into a single, well planned building with energy efficient building systems and up-to-date technology. The project is designed to achieve a LEED Silver Certification.
Polysonics completed a noise impact study and analysis for the Newington DVS Maintenance Facility in order to determine the noise impact of the maintenance facility on nearby residences. Primary noise sources included buses idling, buses using backup beepers, occasional dump trucks banging, emergency sirens, etc. Noise impact of the maintenance facility on nearby residences was calculated based on noise measurements at the existing Newington Maintenance Facility to determine actual noise levels. Our noise study also included noise sources such as emergency generator, inter-parcel connector proposed on north side of the DVS property and the maintenance building. A calibrated model, depicting existing site conditions was developed using field measurements and SoundPLAN. The project was designed to meet the Fairfax County noise code requirements.
- LEED Certified - Silver
- Noise Survey, Measurement and Analysis of Site
- SoundPLAN Modeling to Predict Noise on Adjacent Residential Properties
- Berm/Noise Barrier Design