Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police Range and Training Facility
Dulles, VA
Client: Leo A Daly
Completion Date: Ongoing
MWAA Police Department has 11.5 acres of training spaces located on the property of Dulles International Airport. Design of the police range and training facility included three firing ranges, two 50 yard pistol ranges and one 300 yard rifle range, with bullet containment systems, a temperature controlled range material and ammunition storage, and a training building for use by both the Authority and Arlington County police forces. The 7,200 square foot modular training building contains four instructor offices, two armory rooms, one armory repair shop, one firearms training safety room, two general purpose classrooms, one defensive tactics training area, one gun cleaning area, restrooms, showers and locker rooms. The range is operated year round to meet the needs of the department.
Polysonics provided acoustical design which included environmental, interior and mechanical acoustics. Interior and exterior modeling, via computer methods and mathematical modeling were employed to achieve acoustical design to the MWAA’s Design Manual 2010 standard for facilities of this type.
- Interior Acoustics
- Mechanical Acoustics
- Environmental Acoustics
- Noise Barrier Design & Optimization
- Range Roof Design
- Mechanical Equipment Isolation
- Classroom Acoustics
- HVAC & Mechanical Noise Control
- Air Handling Units Noise Control
- Corridor Air Supply Units Noise Control